22/04 2007, updated 04/11 2011 by MS
Bond visited this deck accidentaly - After very dramatical exercises break and not less dramatical save he landed safely on the board of Moonmaiden II and was warmly welcomed by very rich and very,very bored lady. Declaring a 2h break to the superriors surely he didn't have enough time to check all distraction offers of this classical yacht.
Quite old (built in 1972) but still fine-looking 39m long yacht. Still in service in the net of charter companies. Can be met on Mediterranean during summer and on Carribbean during winter.
For the interested - basic quotes (May 2006):
I didn't catch homeport of this ship. She runs under Maltesian flag and is (or was) serviced in known Bezzina Ship Repair Yard (HQ in city Marsa, Malta).
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