26/06 2023 by PS
The Ford Edge is first seen in Haiti transporting Greene to meet the CIA agents Gregory Beam and Felix Leiter in the chartered jet (2001, Bombardier Challenger 604, G-OCSC) for Bregenz, Ostria. Later Greene arrives at the hotel in the desert. James Bond uses one of Dominic Greene's own cars to drive Greene to his final destiny in the middle of the desert.
The vehicle is claimed to be a hydrogen car driven by a fuel cell, but Ford does not produce any fuel cell cars. Hovever the Ford Research Center in Aachen made a prototype called Edge HySeries Drive with plug-in fuel cell hybrid based on the Ford Edge. It has two small electric motors with a total of 176 hp. Check the TopSpeed website (https://www.topspeed.com/cars/car-news/ford-edge-with-hyseries-drive/) for 2007 information on this prototype.
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